
Demonstrator Activity Administration - NEW, PLEASE READ CAREFULLY

Dear Students and Instructors,

The Demonstrator Student Circle is introducing a new online platform for the administration of demonstrator activities.


available in English
(START: September 3, 8:00 AM)

Instructions for the e-System:

Registration - NEW!

You can register your demonstrator activities at ddk.pte.hu after logging in with your PTE credentials. Mandatory registration must be completed here every semester. If you are engaged in demonstrator activities at multiple departments or clinics/with multiple mentors, you can register both Primary and Secondary activities, but you can only receive grades from your mentor registered as Primary.

If you have enrolled in the "Demonstrator Activity" course in Neptun, select its course number during registration.

For your first semester as a demonstrator (when enrolling in the Neptun course is not yet possible), select the "First Registration" option.

If you have previously registered for demonstrator activities but intentionally did not enroll in a Neptun course, select the "Registration Only Without Neptun Course Enrollment" option.

MENTOR Confirmation

Mentors must also confirm student registrations on the ddk.pte.hu site. Afterward, they can see, semester by semester, which students are registered as their demonstrators. If someone registers with you for a secondary activity, it will also appear here. The system will send email notifications to your workplace email for each student registration.

Attendance Sheet

In the Attendance Sheet section, every demonstrator is required to record the classes they attended on a weekly basis. It is possible to log both assistant teaching activities and other tasks (e.g., educational material development, workshops, test correction, etc.).

IMPORTANT! In the semester when the system is introduced, you can log activities retrospectively, but in the future, it will be mandatory to record all activities within 7 days. Therefore, we ask that you start recording your weekly activities within 1 week of completing them.

Demonstrator Work Course - ASSESSMENT

The administration of the "Demonstrator Work" course will also be entirely moved to the new platform.

Instructors will assign grades to students on the ddk.pte.hu platform based on their semester performance and mandatory assessments by the middle of the 13th week of the semester. These grades will also appear on the demonstrators' personal pages.


The mandatory collection of student feedback remains unchanged. It can be done once per semester using the dedicated Microsoft Forms.

  1. Feedback from the instructed students

Request for certificate about demonstrator activity - UNCHANGED

  1. Request a certificate

Announcement of demonstrator possibilities - UNCHANGED

  1. Announcement of demonstrator possibility (for tutors)

  2. Available demonstrator possibilities